
2023-05-01 来源:飞速影视
Burned and blackened.
There is no light that can pierce my shadow.
Once it is complete, this crucible will be able focus the fundamental forces of the cosmos into your weapon! Just... not yet.
The Light does not die with the Prime Naaru. It shines within each of us!
We still have our purpose. We still have a world to save. We must press on!
We must continue our mission. The Legion must be destroyed.
It is nearly complete, but it lacks a power source. We need something quite potent indeed.
The Light still shines within me. Within you all. We will triumph!
Not to worry, there is still great power on Argus' shattered surface. We just need to find it!
You are right, Prophet. The mission still stands.
Though her form has shattered, her Light has not left us. Not yet.
No more! The matter is done. Our mission remains, with or without the Light Mother.
Her Light can not be allowed to fall into darkness. We must safeguard what we can within the crucible.

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