
2023-05-01 来源:飞速影视
The Light burns brightly within the crucible, but it is still not functional!
I wonder if... no, it could not be...
The Light and Shadow depend upon one another. If we hone the power of a great being of shadow, the crucible may be complete!
Her long years of service to the Light will not be in vain!
We cannot let this loss stop us. Light's Judgment is the key to our victory.
With the crucible fully functional, our weapons will shine like the stars themselves! Come, I will show you.
Talgath has turned against us!
No... not you too, old friend...
It cannot end like this. Take the others and go, Prophet. We will buy you time.
Hatuun, no! You do not have to do this!
Please... keep my family safe.
K'ure! Help us!
I will hunt you across the stars, traitor! Even if it takes a thousand years!
Swear loyalty to me, pledge the hearts of your people to my cause. I will transform you, granting you knowledge beyond imagining and might beyond measure.

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