
2023-05-01 来源:飞速影视
The fork fits onto both sides of a person"s body.
This device gives them mobility and allows them to twist a person around backwards, forwards, or side to side, a "360-degree movement" while the actor is safely clamped into place.
这个装置让他们有了行动能力,可以让人前后扭动,在演员被安全地夹住的同时,还可以进行 "360度移动"。
Meanwhile, Maleficent"s wings were created with CGI. While on set, Jolie wore these on her back, which would later be replaced with wings.
同时,Maleficent 的翅膀是用 CGI 制作的。在片场的时候,Jolie 背上戴着这些东西,后来被换成了翅膀。
The visual effects team was tasked with making convincing wings and also making sure those wings moved in sync with the performer"s body movements.
To fully embody the role of Beast, actor Dan Stevens wore a motion-capture suit on stilts.
为了充分展现野兽这一角色,演员 Dan Stevens 穿上了支撑运动捕捉套装。
The stilts ensured that the actor was the Beast"s appropriate height on set so the actors would be looking at the right spot.

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