2023-05-01 来源:飞速影视

mantra([mn.tr]),名词,指“口号”(a word or phrase that is often repeated and expresses a particular strong belief)。例:The British fans chanted that familiar football mantra: "Here we go, here we go, here we go..."人群反复高喊着那个熟悉的足球口号:“加油!加油!加油…”
Ultimately, the show managed to captivate the audience and reruns will be binged on for years to come. True fans know, a lot of work went into the show behind the scenes.最终,这部剧成功地吸引了观众,在接下来的这些年里,被疯狂地重复播放。真正的粉丝都知道,这部剧在幕后付出了很多心血。
captivate([kp.t.vet]),及物动词,指“使着迷;迷住;吸引”(to hold the attention of someone by being extremely interesting, exciting, pleasant, or attractive)。例:With her beauty and charm, she captivated film audiences everywhere.她的美貌和魅力迷倒了各地的电影观众。binge on sthbinge on sth,指“过分沉溺于sth”(indulge in sth excessively)。例:On weekends I like to curl up on the couch and binge on a box set.周末的时候,我喜欢蜷缩在沙发上看电视。
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