2023-05-02 来源:飞速影视
where c is the phasor; c* is its conjugate; x is the real value (alternate: Re c or c’ ); y is the imaginary value (alternate: Im c or c”); jcj is the modulus (magnitude or absolute value); and f is the phase angle (argument or amplitude) (alternate: arg c).
式中,c是相量;c*是其共轭;x是实值(备选值:Re c或c’);y是虚值(备选值:Im c或c”);jcj是模数(幅度或绝对值);f是相角(参数或幅度)(备选值:arg c)。
The modulus (magnitude or absolute value) of the phasor is相量的模数(幅值或绝对值)为

From Equation 3.1 and Equation 3.3, 从方程式3.1和方程式3.3中,

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