
2023-05-02 来源:飞速影视
It wasn"t until 2016 and the release of Split, which tells the inverse story about the birth of a supervillain, that Unbreakable was revealed to be the first part of a trilogy.
直到 2016 年《分裂》上映,它讲述了一个关于超级反派诞生的故事,我们才明白《不死劫》是三部曲的第一部。
A trilogy that came to its conclusion with the inevitable clash between these characters in this year"s Glass.
It is interesting to consider that Unbreakable was released in a time when comic book films were virtually non-existent, whereas Split and Glass came out in a time that is dominated by them.
And it is perhaps because of this shift in the cinematic landscape, that Shyamalan"s Unbreakable trilogy is now mostly discussed and judged based on those terms — as a deconstruction of superheroes and comic book culture.
In comics, you would go to a public place where all could see you.

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