
2023-05-03 来源:飞速影视
In 2021, the Center for West African Studies of UESTC wasaccredited by Ministry of Education of China.
Our mission and goals:
1. Serve as a training base for international students atUESTC which will promote cooperation and exchanges between West Africanuniversities and UESTC in aspects such as talents training, laboratory buildingand student internship, training and exchanges.
2. Build a high-level international platform of academic& culture exchanges, promote research work to enhance understanding inAfrican affairs and Chinese culture in West Africa by encouraging culturalexchanges with West African universities and institutes.
3. Foster collaborative research efforts to carry out highquality policy-relevant and development-oriented research and disseminate theresults to help policy makers in West Africa, aiming to become a top ratingThink Tank that will support West African development socially andeconomically.
Website address: http://cwas.uestc.edu.cn/indexEn.html
Wechat official account No.: gh_bfde9ecc926a (Account Name:电子科技大学西非研究中心)


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