
2023-05-03 来源:飞速影视
(1) To serve as a Talent Training Base. TheCenter helps to expand the source of international students from West Africaand enrich the multi-level international student training system of UESTC forundergraduate, master, and doctor. Also, it carries out overseas cadretraining, teacher training, customized ICT and engineering training, and summerpractice programs for students in West Africa, and devotes itself to building adiversified and distinctive overseas talent training base which integratesacademic education, on-the-job training and practical training, and cultivateslocal talents for Chinese enterprises to address economic and socialdevelopment problems.
(2) To build an Academic Exchange Platform.Through regularly holding international academic conferences suchas Forum on West African Studies, organizing China-Africa Friendship—Academic—CultureExchanges Month, and promoting overseas exhibitions of 3D platforms forcultural resources and China-West Africa InternationalIndustry-Academia-Research Cooperation Project, the Center is committed tobuilding a platform for China-Africa exchanges and cooperations in variousfields such as academics, humanities, science and technology, and enhancing theinfluence and cultural soft power of Chinese universities and enterprises inAfrica.

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