
2023-05-03 来源:飞速影视
(3) To establish a Think Tank for West African studies.The Center is committed to research on economic, political, andhumanistic exchanges in West Africa by utilizing the disciplinary strengths andfeatured research of its members both in China and abroad. It works tostrengthen cooperations with West African think tanks such as the Imani Centerfor Policy Education (ranked 113 in global think tanks) and the Institute forStatistics, Social and Economic Research (ranked 164 in global think tanks) aspart of efforts to enhance joint research, and collectively publish andundertake research projects on West African studies. The Center also aims topropose policy advice to the Chinese government and West African countries,provide high-level think tank services for China in fields covering talenttraining, science and technology services, economic and business management,and public and political governance. And, it also strives to become aninfluential think tank center for West African studies.

www.fs94.org-飞速影视 粤ICP备74369512号