
2023-05-03 来源:飞速影视
Now I know this concept of mate and mate, it could be really confusing, right? But try to use facial expression and tone as a guide, you know, is it friendly? Is it serious?
If you"re doing the wrong thing and someone walks up to you and says "Mate, what do you think you"re doing?", you know, they"re pissed off right and that"s Australian for annoyed. Now a lot of slang words in Australia follow a really similar pattern.
You take the original word and you shorten it and then you add either EEE, AHH or OH at the end. Now this is really, really common.
把原来的词缩短,然后在最后加上 EEE,AHH 或者是 OH。这非常非常常见。
These words are really commonly used all the way across Australia, across all levels of society. You"ll hear the Prime Minister using these words along with a truck driver that"s driving across the Nullarbor which is the big dirt patch in the middle of Australia.

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