
2023-05-04 来源:飞速影视


约翰多恩(John Donne, 1572– 1631)又译邓约翰,邓恩,是英国詹姆斯一世时期的玄学派诗人,他的作品包括十四行诗、爱情诗、宗教诗、拉丁译本、隽语、挽歌、歌词等。其诗歌通过使用一种更注重智力的比喻,激情与推理融为一体,给诗歌重新注入了活力,不仅在意象和观念上作大胆的实验,而且在诗的节奏和诗节形式也作创新。本琼生曾经说到:“邓恩在很多方面是世界上第一诗人。”主要作品有《歌与十四行诗》《挽歌》《一周年与二周年》《圣十四行诗》等。被艾略特挖掘并推重。别离辞:节哀约翰·邓恩正如德高人逝世很安然,对灵魂轻轻的说一声走,悲伤的朋友们聚在旁边,有的说断气了,有的说没有。让我们化了,一声也不作,泪浪也不翻,叹风也不兴;那是亵渎我们的欢乐——要是对俗人讲我们的爱情。地动会带来灾害和惊恐,人们估计它干什么,要怎样可是那些天体的震动,虽然大得多,什么也不伤。
世俗的男女彼此的相恋,(他们的灵魂是感官)就最忌别离,因为那就会取消组成爱恋的那一套东西。我们被爱情提炼得纯净,自己都不知道存什么念头互相在心灵上得到了保证,再不愁碰不到眼睛、嘴和手。两个灵魂打成了一片,虽说我得走,却并不变成破裂,而只是向外伸延,像金子打到薄薄的一层。就还算两个吧,两个却这样和一副两脚规情况相同;你的灵魂是定脚。并不像移动。另一脚一移,它也动。虽然它一直是坐在中心,可是另一个去天涯海角,它就侧了身。倾听八垠;那一个一回家,它马上挺腰。你对我就会这样子,我一生像另外那一脚,得侧身打转;你坚定,我的圆圈才会准,我才会终结在开始的地点。(1612)卞之琳 译A Valediction: Forbidding Mourningby John Donne (1573-1631)As virtuous men pass mildly away,And whisper to their souls to go,Whilst some of their sad friends do say,"Now his breath goes," and some say, "No."So let us melt, and make no noise,No tear-floods, nor sigh-tempests move ;"Twere profanation of our joysTo tell the laity our love.Moving of th" earth brings harms and fears ;Men reckon what it did, and meant ;But trepidation of the spheres,Though greater far, is innocent.Dull sublunary lovers" love—Whose soul is sense—cannot admitOf absence, "cause it doth removeThe thing which elemented it.But we by a love so much refined,That ourselves know not what it is,Inter-assurèd of the mind,Care less, eyes, lips and hands to miss.Our two souls therefore, which are one,Though I must go, endure not yetA breach, but an expansion,Like gold to aery thinness beat.If they be two, they are two soAs stiff twin compasses are two ;Thy soul, the fix"d foot, makes no showTo move, but doth, if th" other do.And though it in the centre sit,Yet, when the other far doth roam,It leans, and hearkens after it,And grows erect, as that comes home.Such wilt thou be to me, who must,Like th" other foot, obliquely run ;Thy firmness makes my circle just,And makes me end where I begun.邓恩在《道别》中更为优雅地将一对情侣比作一副圆规。

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