
2023-05-04 来源:飞速影视
- 你叫什么?- 对,我叫冯。冯,某种程度上赞同丹的观点,也许在洛克该观点的框架内是有可能发展出捍卫印第安人权益的观点的。
Here is the further question. If the right to private property is natural, not conventional, if it"s something that we acquire even before we agree to government, how does that right constrain what a legitimate government can do?
In order, finally, to see whether is—whether Locke is an ally or potentially a critic of the libertarian idea of the state, we have to ask what becomes of our natural rights once we enter into society. We know that the way we enter into society is by consent, by agreement to leave the state of nature and to be governed by the majority and by a system of laws, human laws.
为了最终搞清洛克到底是自由主义的盟友,还是潜在的批评者,就得弄清 一旦进入社会,自然权利将有何变化。众所周知,只有经过同意才能进入社会,才能脱离自然状态,并被大多数人被人类法律体系所管辖。
But those human laws are only legitimate if they respect our natural rights, if they respect our unalienable rights to life, liberty, and property. No parliament, no legislature, however democratic its credentials, can legitimately violate our natural rights.

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