
2023-05-04 来源:飞速影视
- What I want to. . . Go ahead, Dan. - At the same time, he is saying that just by picking an acorn or taking an apple or maybe killing a buffalo on a certain amount of land, that makes it yours because it"s your labor and your labor would enclose that land. - So by that definition, maybe they didn"t have fences around little plots of land but didn"t. . . - They were using it.
- 我想说的是……继续说,丹。- 同时,洛克说只要在特地土地拾得橡果或摘下苹果或杀一头水牛,你就拥有了这块土地,因为这是你的劳动,你通过劳动圈定了这块土地。- 按照这个定义,也许他们是没有在那小块地上围上篱笆,但并不意味着……- 他们在使用该土地。
- Yes. By Locke"s definition, you can say. . . - So maybe by Locke"s definition, the Native Americans could have claimed a property right in the land itself. - Right, but they just didn"t have Locke on their side, as she points out. - All right, good. Okay, that"s good. One more defender of Locke. Go ahead.
- 是的,按照洛克的定义,你可以说……- 也许按照洛克的定义,印第安人可以宣称拥有对该土地的财产权。- 没错,只是洛克没有站在他们那边而已,正如罗谢尔指出的。- 很好,好的,这很不错。再来一个为洛克辩护的,你来。
Well, I mean, just to defend Locke, he does say that there are some times in which you can"t take another person"s land. For example, you can"t acquire a land that is common property, so people in terms of the American Indians, I feel like they already have civilizations themselves and they were using land in common.

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