
2023-05-04 来源:飞速影视
- So the wars between the Native Americans and the colonists, the settlers, that might have been a state of war that we can only emerge from by an agreement or an act of consent and that"s what would have been required fairly to resolve. . . - Yes, and both sides would have had to agree to it and carry it out and everything.
- But what about when, what"s your name? - Dan. But Dan, what about Rochelle says this argument in Section 27 and then in 32 about appropriating land, that argument, if it"s valid, would justify the settlers" appropriating that land and excluding others from it, you think that argument is a good argument?
- 所以印第安人与欧洲殖民者之间的战争,那也许就是战争状态,只有通过达成共识或签订契约才能摆脱,而这些只能通过公正来解决。- 是的,双方都必须达成共识并落实一切。- 但……你叫什么名字?- 丹。但是丹,对罗谢尔所说的第27及32节中占领土地的观点,你怎么看?如果这一观点是正确的,就能正义化殖民者占领该土地并将他人排斥在外,你认为这一观点是正确的吗?
Well, doesn"t it kind of imply that the Native Americans hadn"t already done that? Well, the Native Americans, as hunter-gatherers, didn"t actually enclose—enclose land. So I think Rochelle is onto something there.

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