
2023-05-04 来源:飞速影视
- 所以你认为他是在为土地的私人所有作辩护吗?- 是的,因为这复杂化了“最初占有”原则,如果只引用外国人到来并耕种土地这一例子的话。- 我明白了,你叫什么名字? - 罗谢尔。- 罗谢尔。- 对。
Rochelle says this account of how property arises would fit what was going on in North America during the time of the settlement—European settlement. Do you think, Rochelle, it"s a way of defending the appropriation of the land?
Indeed, because I mean, he is also justifying the Glorious Revolutions. I don"t think it"s inconceivable he"s also justifying colonization as well. Well, that"s an interesting historical suggestion and I think there is a lot to be said for it.
What do you think of the validity of his argument though? Because if you are right that this would justify the taking of land in North America from Native Americans who didn"t enclose it, if it"s a good argument, then Locke"s given us a justification for that. If it"s a bad argument, then Locke"s given us a mere rationalization that isn"t morally defensible.

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