2023-05-21 来源:飞速影视
Bare has your realm become, Kortirion,
Stripped of its raiment, and its splendour gone.
Like lighted tapers in a darkened fane
The funeral candles of the Silver Wain
Now flare above the fallen year.
Winter is come. Beneath the barren sky
The Elves are silent. But they do not die!
Here waiting they endure the winter fell
Kortirion, I will meet the winter here.
—J. R. R. Tolkien, 「The Trees of Kortirion」

Here on the stones and trees there lies a spell
Of unforgotten loss, of memory more blest
Than mortal wealth. Here undefeated dwell
The Folk Immortal under withered elms,
Alalminórë once in ancient realms.
—J. R. R. Tolkien, 「The Trees of Kortirion」
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