
2023-06-22 来源:飞速影视


Though it invariably happens to everyone, death remains a mystery. Here, Sadhguru explains what actually happens upon leaving the body. Excerpted from a conversation between leading orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Rajasekaran and Sadhguru at the Annual Meet of the Indian Orthopaedic Association (IOACON) on 29 November 2018 in Coimbatore.
虽然死亡不可避免地会发生在每个人身上,但它仍然是个谜。在这里,萨古鲁解释了离开身体时具体发生了什么。文章摘选自萨古鲁与知名骨科医生Dr. Rajasekaran在2018年11月29日于哥印拜陀举办的印度骨科学会年会中的谈话。
Dr. Rajasekaran: Sadhguru, you spoke about life, and that brings a big question that doctors have about life. Now they say, we have one trillion cells in our body, and each of these cells is living by itself. And when you say a patient is no more, it’s just that the brain dies after two or three minutes, but a large part of his body is still alive. His skin, his muscles, his bones live for many hours. So what dies when we die? That brings the question what leaves us... Where is this life in our body? Is it in our brain, our heart? And what is this life you’re talking about? Is it in the spine? Where does it reside?

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