
2023-10-27 来源:飞速影视
关键词: raise awareness, establish theimportance of archaeological history to Egypt’s economy.
2 But thieves are raiding ourarchaeological sites and selling their findings to the highest bidders. Theyare taking advantage of Egypt’s security situation to loot our nation’seconomic future and steal from our children.
The author tells us a heartbreaking fact,antiquity theft of Egypt’s national treasuries and illegal auction.
关键词: thieves, loot, steal from our children
Word choice, such as thieves, loot, andsteal from our children appeals to readers’ sense of indignation and theirsympathy to help protect these archaeological sites and findings.
第一第二段,作者引出了话题,同时为全文打下了基础 lay a strongfoundation for further argument. 接下来作者开始论述
3 Egyptians need the people and thegovernment of the United States to support our efforts to combat the systematicand organized looting of our museums and archaeological sites. Imagine a worldin which the stories of King Tut, Cleopatra, Ramesses and others were absent fromthe collective consciousness. And with much of our history still waiting to bediscovered under the sand, the potential losses are staggering. Antiquitiestheft is one of the world’s top crimes — after the trafficking of weapons,narcotics and people — but it is seldom addressed.

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