2023-10-27 来源:飞速影视
这一段作者是在引用典型例子, 证明antiquity theft andillegal auction是多么猖獗,而这些都是在NYC 和 London这样的地方发生的,拍卖行是Christie’s 这样的知名公司,读了让人觉得非常气愤。后半段作者在谈论这些文物的重要性。
关键词: flood international markets, includeat Christie’s London and New York aunctions.
5 Although arrests were made in this case,and two auction houses in Jerusalem canceled the sale of 126 antiquities afterbeing contacted by Egyptian officials, the tide unfortunately flows in theother direction. After being contacted by the Egyptian foreign ministry, otherauction houses have been unwilling to cooperate with requests to delay orcancel sales of items that experts assess have been stolen. Among those whomake their money selling antiquities, cooperation with the Egyptian governmenthas been mixed at best.
关键词: other auction houses have beenunwilling to cooperate. Cooperation…has been mixed at best.
The author intends to exacerbate/escalatethe anger among the readers toward auction houses who deliberately ignoreEgyptian government’s requests, thus appealing to their sense of righteousnessnot to boycott the auction houses that sell Egyptian cultural relics.
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