
2023-10-27 来源:飞速影视
8 Every day, Egyptians risk their lives toprevent organized gangs from stealing our heritage. Our country is not the onlyplace under attack: Iraq, Syria, Libya, Peru and Guatemala are sufferingsimilar assaults on their heritage. Halting these crimes on our civilizationwill require a coordinated global effort — from both the “producers” and the“consumers.”
更多的国家都在打击文物盗窃,这样就把这个问题放在全球视野内,Iraq, Syria,Libya等都是典型例子,这里可以评价文物盗窃是世界性的问题,同时,这些国家和埃及都一样,都属于发展中国家,有些面临战乱的困扰,这样就更需要发达国家的民众抵制这些无良商家。
关键词:Our country is not the only place underattack. Halting these crimes…require acoordinated global effort.
The author claims that looting of antiquityis a global problem. To back up his claim, he quote countries such as Iraq,Syria, Libya etc as examples to back up his claim. As these countries, more orless, share similarities with Egypt—all are developing countries, some aresuffering from wars, these once again appeals to readers’ sense of duty toboycott such auction deals in auction houses.

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