
2023-12-21 来源:飞速影视
抽烟;无常的事物 v. 吸烟;以烟熏;冒烟【专有名词】Elizabeth 人名/人物 [ih-"liz-uh-buhth]["lzbθ] n. 伊莉莎白
She did not know where the smell was coming from.【译】她不知道气味是从哪里来的。【单词】smell 名词 [smel][smel] n. 气味;嗅觉;嗅 v. 嗅;闻;散发气味;有臭味;察觉 smelled / smelt smelled /
Elizabeth didn"t smoke.【译】伊丽莎白没有抽烟。【单词】smoke 动词原形 [smohk][smk] n. 烟;抽烟;无常的事物 v. 吸烟;以烟熏;冒烟
No one else had the key to her apartment to smoke inside while she was at work.【译】在她工作的时候,没有人有她公寓的钥匙在里面抽烟。
The smell of smoke especially bothered her because she had asthma.【译】烟味特别难闻,因为她有哮喘。【单词】bothered 原型:bother 动词过去式 ["both-er]["b] v. 烦扰;使恼怒;使不安;费心 n. 麻烦;烦扰;焦急【单词】asthma 名词 ["az-muh, "as-]["sm] n. 哮喘
One day Elizabeth stayed home from work because she was expecting a package.【译】一天,伊丽莎白下班回家,因为她在等一个包裹。【单词】package 名词 ["pak-ij]["pkd] n. 包裹;整批交易 vt. 把 ... 打包;把 ... 进行推销
When she woke up that morning, the apartment smelled fine.【译】那天早上她醒来时,公寓里的味道很好。【单词】woke 原型:wake 动词过去式 [weyk][wek] v. 醒来;唤醒;意识到 n. 航迹;守夜 waker woke / waked waked /
At one in the afternoon, Elizabeth went into the kitchen to make a sandwich for lunch.【译】下午一点,伊丽莎白走进厨房做了一个三明治当午餐。【单词】afternoon 名词 [noun af-ter-"noon, ahf-; adjective "af-ter-"noon, "ahf-, af-, ahf-][ɑft"nun] n. 下午【单词】kitchen 名词 ["kich-uhn]["ktn] n. 厨房;灶间;(全套)炊具【单词】sandwich 名词 ["sand-wich, "san-]["snwt] n. 三明治 vt. 插入;夹在中间【单词】lunch 名词 [luhnch][lnt] n. 午餐 v. 吃(午餐);

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