
2024-06-16 来源:飞速影视
“One of the king’s men, then,” she said, “or one of the Lannisters’. He could have waited behind when the others left.”
“Maybe,” Hal said. “With all these strangers filling up Winterfell of late, there’s no way of saying who he belonged to.”
“He’d been biding in your stables,” Greyjoy said. “You could smell it on him.” “And how could he go unnoticed?” she said sharply.
Hallis Mollen looked abashed. “Between the horses Lord Eddard took south and them we sent north to the Night’s Watch, the stalls were half-empty. It were no great trick to hide from the stable boys. Could be Hodor saw him, the talk is that boy’s been acting queer, but simple as he is . . .” Hal shook his head.
“We found where he’d been sleeping,” Robb put in. “He had ninety silver stags in a leather bag buried beneath the straw.”
“It’s good to know my son’s life was not sold cheaply,” Catelyn said bitterly.
Hallis Mollen looked at her, confused. “Begging your grace, m’lady, you saying he was out to kill your boy?”

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