2024-09-26 来源:飞速影视
the scene of many battles over the centuries 几个世纪以来发生了许多战争
with a rich tradition of ghost stories 有着丰富的鬼故事传说
on the trail of 追溯
to rid the dead of sin and purge the land of ghosts 清除死者的罪孽,清除这片土地上的鬼魂

Here we are at Richard Munslow’s tombstone. This is his actual gravestone? Yeah, this is it. Wow. So this is the final sin eater. And there you see family as children, four children. Wow, this gives more of a sense of him as a person. Yeah, it does.
tombstone 墓碑
actual gravestone 真正的墓碑
gives more of a sense of…… 更多地给人一种……的感觉

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