
2023-04-22 来源:飞速影视
Monica:Joey, stop hitting on her! It"s her wedding day!
Monica很了解Joey, 教训他说:"你别挑逗她了 (stop hitting on her),今天可是她的结婚之日。" 而这里的hit on someone 的意思是"和某人调情,或挑逗某人", 相当于flirt with someone,作个小小的总结:hit on someone/flirt with someone/ to make a pass at someone/ to come on to someone 例如: "Did you see the way Brian came on to Sally at the office party?"/"Oh, Brian has made a pass at every girl in the office."/"I know, but he hit on Sally particularly hard." /Joey, stop hitting onher! : Slang, to pay unsolicited(adj.主动提供的) and usually unwanted(adj.不必要的) sexual attention to
注意:Hit on sb. /come on to sb./pass at sb./crash on sb: 指的是对某人有意思,有好感(情感上或“生理”上),不一定(只是不一定要付诸行动),即“被某人所吸引”;flirt with sb包括付诸行动,比如我们常说的“上前搭讪,引人注意,挑逗,调情”。当然具体到实际生活中两种情况有可能交叉,比如上文中翻译的“你别挑逗她了 ”就包含了这两种意思,非常准确。
Joey:What, like there"s a rule or something?
到底是情圣啊! 最后Joey脸不红心不跳地回了一句:"怎么啦?难道还有什么明文规定不成?(What, like there"s a rule or something?)。似乎该理解为难道有什么规定(在这种情况下禁止我追求她)么?

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