
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
"I want to surprise my new friend," Patricia told the manager.【译】“我想给我的新朋友一个惊喜,”帕特丽夏告诉经理。
The manager thought that was sweet and without thinking about Helen"s privacy, he passed the address onto Patricia.【译】经理觉得这很贴心,没有考虑海伦的隐私,就把地址传给了帕特丽夏。【单词】privacy 名词 ["prahy-vuh-see; British also "priv-uh-see]["prvsi] n. 隐居;隐私;秘密;私生活【单词】passed 原型:pass 动词过去式 [pas, pahs][pɑs] v. 通过;经过;度过;传递;发生 n. 通行证;及格;乘车券;传球;关隘,山口【单词】onto 介词、从属连词 ["on-too, "awn-; unstressed "on-tuh, "awn-]["nt] prep. 到 ... 上
On a day that Patricia and Helen both had the day off, Patricia looked up Helen"s address on her map application on her cell phone.【译】在一天帕特丽夏和海伦都休假的时候,帕特丽夏在她手机上的地图应用软件中查看了海伦的地址。【单词】map 名词 [map][mp] n. 地图 vt. 绘制地图;计划【单词】cell 名词 [sel][sel] n. 单人牢房;小房间;细胞;蜂房的巢室;电池 <美口>手机【单词】phone 名词 [fohn][fn] n. 电话;电话机;听筒;耳机
Helen"s house was only 10 minutes away.【译】海伦的家离这里只有10分钟的路程。【单词】minutes 原型:minute 名词复数形式 ["min-it]["mnt] n. 分钟;片刻;备忘
Patricia followed the directions, and at 9:00 a.m., she rang the doorbell at 2374 Evergreen Avenue.【译】帕特丽夏按照指示,早上9点,她按了常青大道2374号的门铃。【单词】followed 原型:follow 动词过去式 ["fol-oh]["fl] v. 跟随;追赶;紧接着;注意;遵循;沿着;明白【单词】directions 原型:direction 名词复数形式 [dih-"rek-shuhn, "dahy-][d"rekn] n. 方向;指导;用法说明;趋势;目标;管理【单词】rang 原型:ring 动词过去式 [ring][r] n. 戒指;环;圈;拳击场;马戏场;帮派 n. 铃声;

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