
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
We in the diplomatic service have contributed our share to the battle of safeguarding Hubei and Wuhan. Under the direction of the Central Guidance Group, the Foreign Ministry sent a team to Wuhan to help mobilize anti-epidemic resources and coordinate the distribution of international donations. Over 100 members of the diplomatic service who were visiting family in Hubei joined the local response. Upon learning that many overseas Chinese citizens from Hubei concerned about their families in the province were unable to return because of flight cancellations, the Foreign Ministry instructed Chinese missions abroad to reach out to them and arrange charter flights to bring them home.
By now, the economic and social order in Hubei has largely returned to normal. We at the Foreign Ministry will do whatever we can to boost its development in the post-COVID-19 era. We are exploring a fast track for essential international personnel to return to work in foreign-related enterprises in Hubei and Wuhan. Depending on how the pandemic evolves, we will create opportunities for Hubei to revive exchanges and cooperation with the outside world. When the time is right, the Foreign Ministry would love to hold a special promotion event to showcase the new Hubei and Wuhan that have emerged stronger from COVID-19. This will be a major opportunity for the world to know more about Hubei and give more support to Wuhan.


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