
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
It is reaping day for the country of Panem. This is the day in which one boy and one girl from each of the 12 districts, which surround the city of Capitol, are chosen for a fight to the death. The chosen ones are called tributes.


The districts are required to give up the children as a condition of the Treaty of Treason, which resulted from an uprising of the districts population against the citizens of Capitol.
Every child between the ages of twelve and eighteen are eligible to be chosen through a random drawing. The youngest children have their names entered once, while with each passing year the number of entries go up for the others. The reaping and the fight to the death are called the Hunger Games. The winner, who is the last child left alive, is rewarded with gifts not only for themselves, but for their whole district for a year.

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