2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
Haymitch Abernathy, the last person from District 12 to win the Hunger Games, is Katniss and Peeta"s mentor for the games. He is the town drunk and the person they must rely on for help during the games.
Haymitch Abernathy 来自12区,上届冠军。同时也是Katniss 和Peeta的狩猎导师。他是出了名的酒鬼,但这两个人必须要依靠的人。
A drunk Haymitch has thrown-up on himself, so Peeta gives him a shower to clean him up. Peeta is a nice guy, who is willing to help anyone who needs it. This is Katniss" reasoning for Peeta helping Haymitch and giving her the bread five years ago.
醉醺醺的Haymitch 吐了自己一身,所以Peeta 帮他洗澡清理感觉。Peeta是个善良的人,总是愿意付出。这也是Katniss 推测的,Peeta帮了Haymitch , 也是五年前给她面包的原因。

The next morning Effie Trinket wakes Katniss up and tells her to get ready for her big day. Today is the day she and the other tributes will be presented to the public in the Capitol.
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