2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视

On the train, Peeta and Katniss are given new clothes to wear, take hot showers, and eat foods they have never tasted before. Effie Trinket is happy they have table manners, because last year"s tributes ate with their hands. This is because they were so hungry, they did not have time for table manners.
在火车上,Peeta 和 Katniss 可以穿上新衣服,洗热水澡,吃他们以前从未尝过的食物。很高兴他们有餐桌礼仪,因为去年的贡品者都是用手吃的。这是因为他们太饿了,没有时间学习餐桌礼仪
Then they watch the reaping of the other districts to find out who they will be competing against. Some are large boys who look intimidating and others are small or infirmed.
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