2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视

一、关于 5000 年前,中华民族的史前文明问题,最有说服力的证据,就
是古文字。作者在 16 年中,发现和搜集了大量的史前文字,如红山文化中的
古文字;良渚文化中的古文字和马家窑、齐家文化的古文字。这 些文字都是成熟的,已在生活中正式使用的古文字。这些古文字都契刻在高古玉上。
1. In terms of 5000 years ago, the most convincing evidence about the prehistoric
civilization of the Chinese nation is the ancient characters. In the past 16 years, the
author has found and collected a large number of prehistoric characters, such as the
ancient characters in Hongshan Culture, the ancient characters of Liangzhu Culture
and Majiayao and Qijia Culture. These characters are mature ancient characters that have been used in normal life.
二、在 5000 年前的史前文字当中,发现了大量的甲骨文。在长江下游的
文完全相同,却比河南安阳出土的甲骨文早 2000 年。有大量的实物证据,高古玉,及古文字。
2. Among the prehistoric characters 5000 years ago, a large number of
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