
2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
The disappearance of the feminine (Chinese "Yin") principle in protestantism, including the figure of Mary, as well as meaning and mysticism in cult and myth, and the exclusive reliance upon the " word" as fundamental principle resulted in the promotion of science and technics, but also in the development of the " logos" into a purely rational instrument with the exclusion of the psychic factor. (The exponents of this trend in psychology are Freud and A. Adler, while in sociology and politics it is Marxism.) The " elimination of the psychic factor" from consciousness necessarily leads to exteriorization and collectivization, for the psyche is the inner life and the basis of individuality (7). In medieval mysticism the soul is the organ for the experience of God and the " birth of God"; man thus reaches the centre in himself and at the same time in the " primal ground" . The modern " mystical" urge does not strive for " soul" but for " gnosis" , for " superior knowledge" , and thus imitations of " eastern wisdom" of all kinds are consequently in sway. The " soul" , i.e. the psyche, is the feminine principle, the principle of relatedness, while " logos" abstracts and generalizes the individual . The valuation of the soul corresponds to that of the woman, as can be seen for instance during the other flowering of the Middle Ages, i.e. the minne period and the " cours d"amour" . Dante belongs here, and so do the legends of King Arthur and the Grail in which the " enchanting minne" (Lady Venus, the fairy Morgane, etc.) has a place of her own .

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