2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
这些少之又少的历史杂闻是作为现代女性结构类型图示的必要基础。在漢斯·布呂爾 1910年的书《男性社会中爱洛斯的角色》中,他假设了两个女性结构类型,“配偶”(佩内洛普),以及“自由女性”(卡吕普索)。爱德华·舒雷指出了第三个女性结构类型--“鼓舞人心的女诗人和宣传者”。实际上可能有四种结构类型。她们的特征必须要由名字表现出来,但是我充分意识到这些名字会引发歧义。她们可以被称为以下四种结构类型:母亲和配偶,艺妓(同伴,朋友),亚马逊女战士和灵媒。与心理类型相似的是,结构类型在轴线上是两两相反的(也就是个人或者非个人相关的),事实上,作为一种规则,必然有一种结构类型是主导性的,也许会跟另外一种结构类型相结合,而第三类型或者第四类型则首先都是无意识层面的,并且是非常难以被意识到和被整合的,并且这一整合可能是一生无望的。

I shall now attempt to outline the most important psychic characteristics of the various forms.
The mother is motherly cherishing and nursing, helping, charitable, teaching. Her instinct reacts to all that in man is in the process of becoming, or which is undeveloped, in need of protection, in danger, or must be tended, cared for and assisted. Without condescension it supports and consolidates what is unaccomplished and in need of help, and provides room for psychic development and greater security. The mother finds her fulfilment in her relationship to that which needs protection, help and development by endeavoring to strengthen it, so that in the normal case it can be dismissed from her care or, if this is not possible, it can be granted maximum security.
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