2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
3. 你得打起精神。昨天你让自己坠入爱河,可是心碎而归,这就是让自己有感情的后果。从现在开始,你就是个铁石心肠的工作狂,去工作,要做的精彩。
You got to get your shit together. So yesterday, you lat yourself fall in love a little bit, and you got your heart broken.
Serves you right for having feelings. Starting now, you are a hard, heartless career gal.
Go to work, be awesome at it, and don"t waste time on foolish flights of fancy. From now on, you are a robot.

4. 如果你想跟谁说什么话,你就该在有机会的时候说出口,因为说不定什么时候就一切都晚了
If you have something you need to say yo someone, you should do it while you have the chance, because before you know it, it"ll be too late.

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