2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
Other areas in Hubei will lift outbound transportation restrictions from Wednesday. Migrant workers who hold green codes and negative nucleic acid testing results will be sent out of the province to their workplace directly.湖北省除武汉市以外地区,将于3月25日起解除离鄂通道管控。对持有湖北健康码“绿码”的外出务工人员,经核酸检测合格后,直接输送至务工所在地。
“解除管控”这里用lift restrictions表示,lift除了本身的“抬起、举起”之意外,也有“撤销、解除”的意思,后面一般搭配restrictions、ban等表示“禁令”的词,比如, lift the ban on imports of British beef(解除英国牛肉进口禁令)。与之相反的“实施禁令”则多用impose restrction来表示。
Wuhan will gradually resume production based on risk evaluation. The reopening of schools, colleges, kindergartens and vocational institutions remains postponed and will be set at a later date.武汉市根据疫情风险等级评估情况,逐步推动复工复产。省内大专院校、中小学、职业院校、幼儿园等继续延期开学,具体开学时间待定。
通告指出,外省来鄂来汉人员凭外省健康码或湖北健康码“绿码”,在全省范围内安全有序流动(travel within the province with the health code issued by their original provinces or Hubei province),不需另行提供健康证明(确实无法申领健康码的除外)、流动证明、流入地申请审批表或接收证明、车辆通行证(other types of health certificates, approval letters or passes are not needed)等。
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