
2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
It also asked for work arrangements to be refined to ensure safe and orderly traffic and active promotion of the resumption of work and production to minimize the losses caused by the pandemic and restore normal economic and social development as soon as possible.要细化工作安排,确保安全有序流动。要积极有序推进企事业单位复工复产,努力把疫情造成的损失降到最低限度,力争全省经济社会发展早日全面步入正常轨道。
暂停外籍人士入境 entry of foreign nationals suspended
The suspension -- starting on Saturday Mar 28 -- is a temporary measure that China is compelled to take in light of the outbreak situation and the practices of other countries, the announcement said.公告指出,该政策自2020年3月28日0时起生效,这是中方为应对当前疫情,参考多国做法,不得已采取的临时性措施。
According to the announcement, entry by foreign nationals with APEC business travel cards will be suspended.暂停外国人持APEC商务旅行卡入境。
Policies including port visas, 24/72/144-hour visa-free transit policy, Hainan 30-day visa-free policy, 15-day visa-free policy specified for foreign cruise-group-tour through Shanghai Port, Guangdong 144-hour visa-free policy specified for foreign tour groups from Hong Kong or Macao SAR, and Guangxi 15-day visa-free policy specified for foreign tour groups of ASEAN countries will also be temporarily suspended.暂停口岸签证、24/72/144小时过境免签、海南入境免签、上海邮轮免签、港澳地区外国人组团入境广东144小时免签、东盟旅游团入境广西免签等政策。

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