2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
布丽·拉尔森扮演丹弗斯,与塞缪尔·杰克逊,本·门德尔森,杰曼·翰苏,李·佩斯,嘉玛·陈,克拉克·格雷格和裘德·洛一起演出。 这个故事发生在1995年,故事讲述了丹弗斯,在地球陷入两个外星世界之间的银河冲突中心后成为了惊奇队长。
be caught in:遇到,陷入;淋雨
galactic:adj. 银河的;乳汁的
Development of the film began as early as May 2013, and was officially announced in October 2014, making it Marvel Studios"first female-led superhero film.The story borrows elements from Roy Thomas"s 1971 "Kree–Skrull War" comic book storyline. Location shooting began in January 2018, with principal photography beginning that March in California before concluding in July 2018 in Louisiana.
location shooting :外景拍摄
Main Plot

In 1995, on the Kree Empire"s capital planet of Hala, Starforce member Vers suffers from recurring nightmares involving an older woman. Yon-Rogg, her mentor and commander, trains her to control her abilities while theSupreme Intelligence, an artificial intelligence and the ruler of the Kree, urges her to keep her emotions in check.
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