
2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
Fury takes Vers to a U.S. Air Force base and discovers she was a pilot presumed to have died in 1989 while testing an experimental engine designed by a Dr. Wendy Lawson, whom Vers recognizes as the woman from her nightmares. A S.H.I.E.L.D. team led by Talos tries to capture them, but they escape in acargo jet, with Lawson"s cat Goose and fly to Louisiana to meet former pilot Maria Rambeau, the last person to see Vers and Lawson alive.
cargo jet :喷气式货机


After convincing Danvers to help him, Talos leads her, Fury to acloakedspacecruiserorbitingEarth, where several Skrulls, including his family, are protecting theTesseract(宇宙魔方), the source of the energy-core. Starforce captures Danvers and brings her before the Supreme Intelligence. During their conversation, Danvers removes a Kree implant that was suppressing her powers, allowing her to access all her abilities. During thesubsequentbattle, Fury retrieves the Tesseract and Goose, who is revealed to be an alien with a pocketdimensioninside her body, swallows it before scratching Fury"s left eye, permanently blinding it. Danvers destroysballisticmissilesfired by Kree official Ronan the Accuser, forcing him and his forces to retreat, before overpowering Yon-Rogg on Earth and sending him back to Hala with a warning to the Supreme Intelligence.

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