2023-04-30 来源:飞速影视
1974年 西维吉尼亚州 格兰维尔疗养院
We have 1 82 patients.
大部分因近亲交配及先天性缺陷 而导致严重畸形
Most are horribly deformed, due to inbreeding and birth defects.
Ward C is high security.
这区的每位病人 对他人或自身都具有危险性
Each patient in here should be considered dangerous or a danger to himself.
所有人出入 都一定要先穿过这扇门
No one can get in or out without first passing through this door.
万一发生火灾 我们可以即时打开所有囚室
We can open all the cells at once in case of fire...
但按规定 平时一次只能打开一间囚室
but the protocol is one cell open at a time.
谢谢 查理
Thanks, Charlie.
不客气 老大
No problem, boss.
我知道你在想什么 但这么做全是为了他们好
I know what you"re thinking. But we have to do this for their own good.
This is not a prison.
如果有可能的话 我们也希望病人康复
We hope to rehabilitate the patients if at all possible...
www.fs94.org-飞速影视 粤ICP备74369512号