
2023-04-30 来源:飞速影视
野生动物,都和我们一样有感情;和我们一样能够感受痛苦;和我们一样知道恐惧、孤独和绝望。在世界各地,人类一直在破坏动物的栖息地,用于扩建我们的家园、我们的城市的材料,并使我们自己的生活更加舒适。结果,我们给自己带来了气候危机……人类很聪明,懂得彼此关爱。让我们也对同在蓝天下的动物表示爱和同情。希望我们大家共同生活在和平与和谐中。They (Animals) all have feelings just like us. Like us they suffer pain. Like us they know fear, loneliness and despair. All over the world we’ve been destroying the places where animals live in order to get materials to build our homes, our cities and to make our own lives more comfortable. And as a result, we’ve brought the climate crisis on ourselves…
…We have amazing brains we’re capable of love and compassion for each other. Let us also show love and compassion for the animals who are with us on this planet. Let us all live in peace and harmony, together.


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