2023-05-01 来源:飞速影视
Of all the bustling waters flowing east in thousands
I only take one scoop to bear in minds
Obsessed with the butterfly
Flapping in your after life.
你发如雪凄美了离别 我焚香感动了谁
Hair flowing, snow falling,
It takes beauty and sorrow to make a parting.
Whose heart is touched when incenses are burnt?
邀明月 让回忆皎洁 爱在月光下完美
Inviting the moon to light up a past,
full, and bright, the love shall ever last.
你发如雪纷飞了眼泪 我等待苍老了谁
Your hair flows as the snow falls
Scattering away hot tears
Who, in my wait, has advanced in years?
红尘醉 微醺的岁月 我用无悔刻永世爱你的碑
Slightly drunken is the worldly Red Dust;
Regret-it-not is the memorial ever carved in my heart.

《青花瓷》:天青色等烟雨 而我在等你
www.fs94.org-飞速影视 粤ICP备74369512号