
2023-05-01 来源:飞速影视
一年来,国防和军队改革扎实推进,人民军队展现出新时代强军风貌。我们进行国庆大阅兵,举行海军、空军成立70周年庆祝活动,举办第七届世界军人运动会。首艘国产航母正式列装。人民子弟兵永远是保卫祖国的钢铁长城,让我们向守护家园的忠诚卫士们致敬!Over the past year, we have steadily pushed forward reforms in our national defense and military systems. The armed forces have taken on a new look of a strong army in the new era. We held a grand military parade on National Day, celebrated the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Navy and the Air Force, and also hosted the 7th Military World Games. The country"s first self-developed aircraft carrier was commissioned. The people"s army will always serve as a great wall of steel that guards our motherland. Let"s salute those loyal soldiers who safeguard our home.
2019年,最难忘的是隆重庆祝新中国成立70周年。我们为共和国70年的辉煌成就喝彩,被爱国主义的硬核力量震撼。阅兵方阵威武雄壮,群众游行激情飞扬,天安门广场成了欢乐的海洋。大江南北披上红色盛装,人们脸上洋溢着自豪的笑容,《我和我的祖国》在大街小巷传唱。爱国主义情感让我们热泪盈眶,爱国主义精神构筑起民族的脊梁。这一切,汇聚成礼赞新中国、奋斗新时代的前进洪流,给我们增添了无穷力量。The most memorable moment of 2019 was the celebrations for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People"s Republic of China. We cheered for the glorious achievements the People’s Republic has made over the past 70 years, and were overwhelmed by the sheer force of patriotism. The formations during the military parade were powerful, and the mass pageant thrilling. Tiananmen Square was turned into a sea of happiness. All of China was arrayed in red with proud smiles on all faces as the song "My Motherland and I" played throughout the streets and alleys. Patriotic feelings brought tears to our eyes, and patriotic spirit forms the backbone of the Chinese nation. All these merge into a surging current that sings an ode to New China and inspires us to work harder in the new era, filling us with boundless energy.

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