
2023-05-01 来源:飞速影视
同往常一样,我无论多忙,都要抽时间到乡亲们中走一走看一看。大家跟我说了很多心里话,我一直记在心上。云南贡山独龙族群众、福建寿宁县下党乡的乡亲、“王杰班”全体战士、北京体育大学研究生冠军班同学、澳门小朋友和义工老人,给我写了信。我在回信中肯定了大家取得的成绩,也表达了良好祝愿。As usual, no matter how busy I was, I spent time visiting people in the countryside. People shared many of their innermost thoughts with me, and I always keep them in mind. I have also received letters from villagers of the Dulong ethnic group in Gongshan, Yunnan province; residents of Xiadang township, Shouning County in Fujian province; soldiers of the Wang Jie Squad; the graduate students of the Class of Champions at Beijing Sport University; and children and senior volunteers from Macao. In my reply letters, I applauded the achievements they had made and sent my best wishes.
一年来,许多人和事感动着我们。一辈子深藏功名、初心不改的张富清,把青春和生命献给脱贫事业的黄文秀,为救火而捐躯的四川木里31名勇士,用自己身体保护战友的杜富国,以十一连胜夺取世界杯冠军的中国女排……许许多多无怨无悔、倾情奉献的无名英雄,他们以普通人的平凡书写了不平凡的人生。Over the past year, many people and their stories touched us deeply. Zhang Fuqing has kept a low profile and stayed true to his original heart despite the great contributions he"s made to the nation; Huang Wenxiu dedicated her youth and life to poverty alleviation; 31 firefighters sacrificed their lives in the line of duty in Muli, Sichuan province; Du Fuguo sacrificed himself to protect his teammates; China"s Women"s National Volleyball Team won the World Cup in an eleven-match winning streak. Numerous unsung heroes, with neither complaint nor regret, work with dedication. They are ordinary people living extraordinary lives.

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