
2023-05-01 来源:飞速影视
一年来,我去了不少地方。雄安新区画卷徐徐铺展,天津港蓬勃兴盛,北京城市副中心生机勃发,内蒙古大草原壮美亮丽,河西走廊穿越千年、历久弥新,九曲黄河天高水阔、雄浑安澜,黄浦江两岸物阜民丰、流光溢彩……祖国各地一派欣欣向荣的景象。我沿着中国革命的征程砥砺初心。从江西于都红军长征集结出发地到河南新县鄂豫皖苏区首府革命博物馆,从甘肃高台西路军纪念碑到北京香山革命纪念地,每个地方都让我思绪万千,初心和使命是我们走好新时代长征路的不竭动力。Over the past year, I have visited many places. Construction of Xiong"an New Area is progressing, Tianjin Port is booming, Beijing"s sub-center is thriving, grasslands in Inner Mongolia are splendid, the Hexi Corridor, after thousands of years, is teeming with new life. The winding Yellow River, where the sky is high and waters are wide, sometimes turbulent, sometimes calm; on both banks of the Huangpu River, there is plenty and prosperity, and ribbons of light shine in the night. Everything is flourishing across our motherland. I traced the routes of China"s revolution to strengthen my original aspiration. From Yudu in Jiangxi province where the Red Army gathered for their Long March, to the Revolution Museum in Xinxian county in Henan province, the former capital of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui revolutionary base, from the Monument to the West Route Army in Gaotai, Gansu province, to the revolutionary memorial site in the Fragrant Hills in Beijing, all these places aroused many feelings and thoughts in my mind. Our original aspiration and mission are our inexhaustible source of motivation during our Long March of the new era.

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