
2023-05-01 来源:飞速影视
例:The high price of the service could deter people from seeking advice.这么高的服务费可能使咨询者望而却步。all down the line,副词短语,指“全部地,彻底地”(All the way, throughout.)。例;Excellent acting all down the line captures the sound and feeling of that semi-feudal age全体演员的精彩表演捕捉到了那个半封建时代的声音和感觉。everlasting([evrlst]),形容词,指“永久的;永恒的;经久不变的”(continuing for ever; never changing)例:To his everlasting credit , he never told anyone what I"d done.值得永远称赞的是他从未把我做的事告诉过任何人。
Monica Geller


Monica could easily be viewed as the glue that held the group together. She has an important connection to all the main characters in Friends and her apartment was the primary meeting spot besides Central Perk. Monica would go on to marry Chandler, but she was first introduced to him at a pre-Friends Thanksgiving years prior. He attended the Geller family dinner and commented on her macaroni, causing her to pursue a career as a chef. Unfortunately, Chandler also made a comment about her weight, which made her obsess about her appearance.莫妮卡很容易被大家看作是把这个小团体凝聚在一起的粘合剂。

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