
2023-05-01 来源:飞速影视
14岁时,菲比住在纽约的街头。有一次,她抢劫了一个比她小的男孩,后来发现那个男孩就是罗斯。菲比偷了他的背包,因为她那时年纪很小,为了养活自己,不得不用这种办法。罗斯被抢后也撒了谎,声称自己是被一个“大块头”抢的。菲比还留着她偷来的漫画书,后来她把书还给了罗斯,并为自己过去的生活方式道歉。Phoebe met most of the others after she moved in with Monica. She got to know Chandler, the neighbor across the hall after Monica started dating his roommate, Kip. After Kip left, Joey took the vacancy in Chandler"s apartment. Phoebe met Rachel last after they were first introduced at Central Perk in the Friends" debut episode.
vacancy([ve.kn.si]),名词,指“空处;空位”(a space or place that is available to be used)
例:We wanted to book a hotel room in July but there were no vacancies.我们想预订7月份的宾馆房间,但是已经没有空房了。
Joey Tribbiani


Joey was one of the last members to join the core group in Friends. He answered an ad after Chandler was searching for a new roommate. Joey arrived at the apartment for an interview, but it didn"t go well after he mistook Chandler for being gay. After the interview, Joey encountered Monica, who invited him over for lemonade. Joey misunderstood the invitation and stripped naked. Chandler later asked Joey to be his roommate, giving him a fresh start on a friendship with Monica.乔伊是最后一批加入《老友记》六人组的成员之一。

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