
2023-05-03 来源:飞速影视
或者你可以说:“Bloody ripper!”,当某件事情真的很棒的时候,比如说你中了彩票。Bloody ripper!
What a great day! In Australia, many, many, many suburbs and place names are also shortened too.
So Brissie is Brisbane. Tassie is Tasmania.
所以 Brissie 就是布里斯班。Tassie 是塔斯马尼亚州。
Sandy is Sandringham. Freo is Fremantle.
Sandy 就是桑德灵厄姆。Freo 是弗里曼特尔。
Rotto is Rottnest Island in WA. The Goldie is the Gold Coast in Queensland.
Rotto 是西澳的罗特尼斯岛。Goldie 是昆士兰州的黄金海岸。
The G is the MCG, famous sports ground in Melbourne. And if there are any Australians watching and you can think of others, please let me know in the comments, hit me up.
G 是墨尔本著名的运动场 MCG。如果有澳大利亚人在看我的视频,你可以想到其他的话,请在评论中告诉我哦。
There are so many of these, the list is way too long to continue with here. But the point is that if you hear a word that you don"t recognise, it"s totally okay to ask, you know.
Australians know that not everyone understands our slang way of you know, referring to things, especially place names. So if you"re not sure, just ask.

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