
2023-05-04 来源:飞速影视
Or tickets to the Patriots or to the Red Sox. Nontransferable tickets are unalienable.
I own them in the limited sense that I can use them for myself, but I can"t trade them away. So in one sense, an unalienable right, a nontransferable right makes something I own less fully mine.
But in another sense of unalienable rights, especially where we"re thinking about life, liberty, and property, for a right to be unalienable makes it more deeply, more profoundly mine, and that"s Locke"s sense of unalienable. We see it in the American Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson drew on this idea of Locke.
但另一种意义上说,不可剥夺的权利,尤其是我们的生命、自由和财产,正因为这些权利不可剥夺,使我能更深刻更充分拥有它,这就是洛克对不可剥夺的解释。在美国《独立宣言》中可以看到。托马斯·杰斐逊引用了洛克的这个观点。(美国第三任总统 《独立宣言》主要起草人)
Unalienable rights to life, liberty, and as Jefferson amended Locke, to the pursuit of happiness. Unalienable rights. Rights that are so essentially mine that even I can"t trade them away or give them up.

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