
2023-06-22 来源:飞速影视
当udana vayu消退的时候,浮力也消失了。当我说浮力的时候……你或许重70、80或50公斤——无论你多重,假设你现在很开心活泼——你感受不到你身上这50公斤。如果你站在称上,重量会显示在那儿。但当你走路的时候,它不在那儿,仅仅是因为udana创造了一种浮力——它让你不那么受重力影响。有些瑜伽练习可以激活它。
There are whole schools of udana in China. You might have seen those movies like Crouching Tiger – these are udana schools, where they have mastery over udana and can float around a little bit. Well, a little exaggerated in the movies, but the body becomes lighter, more buoyant. For a martial arts fighter, to be buoyant is important. There have been many cases where certain ballet dancers and martial arts experts have done something, leaping up to heights, which physicists believe is simply impossible. They’ve gone beyond that level simply by creating more buoyancy.
So udana is in charge of buoyancy. Once udana starts receding, suddenly, the body becomes heavy. The weight does not increase, but you can feel the weight much more, simply because udana is receding. People who work in hospitals may know there’s a big difference in carrying a live person and a dead person – simply because once udana is gone, there is no buoyancy.

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