
2023-12-21 来源:飞速影视
In this film, director Yu Linmin presents the challenges faced by two Asian women in life from a female, gentle, and sensitive perspective, humorously revealing the difficulties associated with the identity terms "Asian" and "female." 在这部电影中,导演虞琳敏以女性温柔而敏锐的视角,轻松幽默地呈现了两位亚裔女性在生活中的困境,通过调侃的方式揭示了“亚裔”和“女性”这两个身份词所面临的挑战。


The movie revolves around the sisters Yan Anni and Yan Jennie, exploring themes of identity, family relationships, and societal pressures through their stories. 电影以阎安妮和阎珍妮姐妹为主线,通过她们的故事,探讨了身份认同、家庭关系以及社会压力等议题。
Through the contrasting personalities and life situations of the two sisters, the film outlines the comparison between "introverted" (i人) and "extroverted" (e人). 电影通过姐妹俩的截然不同的性格和生活境遇,勾勒出了“i人”与“e人”的对比。



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