
2023-12-21 来源:飞速影视
Yan Anni is a typical "introvert," socially anxious and living in her own small world. 阎安妮是一个典型的“i人”,社交恐惧、内向,生活在自己的小世界里。
In contrast, her sister Yan Jennie is an overly typical "extrovert," outgoing, emotionally expressive, and passionate about life. 与之相反,姐姐阎珍妮则是个过于典型的“e人”,外向、情绪丰富,对生活充满激情。
This contrast presents two extremes and reflects different societal attitudes towards individual differences. 这种对比呈现了两个极端,同时也反映了社会对于个体差异的不同态度。


By portraying the transparency of the sisters in both family and society, the film reveals the marginalization of Asian women in mainstream culture. 电影通过姐妹俩在家庭和社会中的透明感,揭示了亚裔女性在主流文化中的边缘化。
From their experiences as "transparent" individuals in school to the loneliness in the workplace as adults, the movie vividly conveys the "transparent" state of these women. 从她们在学校时的透明人经历到成年后在办公室的孤独感,影片通过细致入微的描写,让观众深刻感受到她们的“透明”状态。

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